would you love me for the hell of it?

by - Desember 31, 2021

she knows herself very well. she always so sure with herself. she knows what she want. she was confident of herself. she was all the things she proud of and loved. she never cared when people talk shits about her. she never jealous with everyone else. she was the bravest. her world was on her own hand. until someone broke her out.

she lost her way. she lost the thing that keep her sane. she lost the thing that makes she feel worth it. the thing that lift her world, now became the reason why it starts crawling down. she feels worthless, no one can see the worth in her. she feels useless, unwanted, replaceable, forgotten, miserable. no one can see the spark in her eyes again. she's all the things she feels ashamed of.

her past, her present, it's meaningless. all the battles she fought, it's meaningless. she won't fight again, and no one fight for her tho. all the flaws, physically, mentally, drown her into her deepest space she never have before, insecurity. 

how can she hope for someone to love her when she doesn't know how to love herself? 

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